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Run Ecuador

Are you a runner, trail runner, and an expeditioner? Would you like to travel around Ecuador and practice your favorite sport at the same time? If you enjoy a fancy hotel or a cosy lodge with organic food, a juicy steak or a great vegetarian dinner, beer, wine and good classic rock&roll, your place is:

Run Ecuador

Completamos el Reto21x24!! Imbabura (10/10/10), Pichincha, Azuay, Manabí, El Oro, Morona Santiago, Cotopaxi, Cañar, Napo, Guayas, Esmeraldas, Los Ríos, Bolívar, Zamora Chinchipe, Santa Elena, Sucumbíos, Loja, Pastaza, Carchi, Galápagos, Chimborazo, Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, Tungurahua y Orellana, PARQUE NACIONAL YASUNÍ (9/9/2012)

MÁS DATOS DEL Reto 21x24 en: ________________________________________

miércoles, 3 de julio de 2013

On the fondest love I have yet known

I didn’t fall in love with
her body. No, I
made love to that, but
I didn’t fall in love with it,
or with her jokes,
or our similarities,
or her pets,
or her favorite songs.

those were all well and good, but
they didn’t do to
enrapture my soul.

In truth,
I think I fell in love
with the way  she fell for me;
the glow in her eyes
when she looked into mine, and
the smile she wore
in my presence.

Drunk off the sensation of
being loved; I
came to adore the
simple beauty
of being adored
in return.

Annemarie Gregory

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